Sunday, July 3, 2011

Installation Attempt

Installation art is usually created inside or out. This type of art is meant to be viewed usually in the round and isn’t restricted to just a canvas or table top. Installations interact with the viewers as they move around or even through the art. Installations can be made of anything you can think of, from flowers, car tires, sculptures, sounds, videos or even car tires.  The environment or space that the installation occupies usually drives the installation or has something in common with it. This type of art can either be temporary or permanent.
I pretty much understand what installation art is but I never thought of myself as artsy so actually creating an installation was somewhat of a challenge. I had set up 3 other attempts at installation. One attempt was my lawn tractor pulling the kids bicycles with a chain and my dog driving but I had a hard time keeping it all together (dog wouldn’t cooperate).  I decided to take my hobbies and create something that defines my personality. The objects that I used were, my Epiphone Dot Guitar, AR-15 rifle, cordless drill, circular saw, my golf club, fishing pole, car magazines, wrenches , workbench and my #1 Dad coffee mug. I decided to set up outside in the grass because that is where I like to spend most of my days. I'm not sure if this would have worked so well just setting it up inside the house, bringing the items outside add to the feeling of being free and able to enjoy many of my hobbies.  If I had to name this piece I would call it Boys and their Toys.
The installation is pretty well balanced even though my eye is drawn to the coffee mug. I’m not sure if the coffee mug is drawing me because the color contrasts the darker items or that it has more of a personal feeling for me.  The rifle and guitar on separate sides of the table almost feel as though they are opposites but balanced, like yin and yang. The objects are all things that I enjoy doing but the mug represents who I really am, after all the “things” that make up my hobbies are gone. The most important part of my life is being a father and mentor to my children. 
     Wind played a small factor in that the magazines were blowing everywhere but I didn't want to place anything on them. This makes a strong argument that the environment that an installation is set up in plays a unique roll. 

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