Sunday, August 7, 2011

Outside Looking In

Picking a theme was a definite challenge that took me a little while to nail down. I wanted a theme that coincided with my personality but would also supply enough diverse examples to keep the audience interested.  I don’t want the visitors to get to my 5th work of art and say “Oh look, another landscape, moving on…” I chose works from sculpture, painting, photography and even an outside installation. I had a few problems, the biggest was worrying more about what I wanted in my gallery and forgetting to find pieces that had authors and titles readily associated with them. There are a few pieces that are in this category. Being this gallery would be about landscapes, I would set the mood with some plant life and sounds of nature playing quietly overhead. The main piece would be my installation, this would be viewed through a large old pane glass window. On the other side of this window would be Field Rotation by Mary Miss. I would have either a live feed or just video of this work played from different angles on large video screens. The other works would be hung on the surrounding walls painted either white or grass colored. I have to say this was the most challenging of all the projects this semester. I spent a couple hours just looking for art that I liked and that matched my theme. As I started building my presentation it became clear that my first websites associated with these works did not contain much needed information. I worked on locating more info on these works, some could be found but others could not. I liked the green background for the PowerPoint, it just lends itself to the landscape theme. I know that there are tons of different things that can be done in PowerPoint to spruce up your presentation but I wanted it to be simple and natural. Building this Art Exhibit did teach me that there is a ton more work in setting up a show then just picking some art and hanging it on the wall.

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